About Author

Ahmed Faraz Khan

Assalam o Alaikum (Peace be on you). 

I’m Ahmed Faraz Khan, the author of Online Life Guide Blog.

I am an Internationally Certified and Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Hypnosis Practitioner, a Psychology Bachelor, a Public Speaker/Trainer in the Self Help space, and a Life Coach.

I hope that you’re doing well. Thank you for taking your time to know a bit about me and my work.  

I have been passionate about self-help or personal development for more than 15 years. My journey to self-help began when I read “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” as a teenager. It spoke to me and since then I’ve been hooked to self improvement.

Over the years I have delivered trainings on self-help topics and worked as a life coach. In recent years, I’ve found writing to be my calling and decided to gradually transition to becoming a self-help blogger as well as a content creator on YouTube.

As of now, I’m not coaching one on one, as I realized I could help more people in less amount of time through creating content digitally.

I bring my years of experience in the field of self-help to my guides, articles, and videos, as I try to put as much practical value in the content as possible. 

My purpose with this blog is to produce genuinely helpful content that will coach and guide you through the topic you’re reading about. I’m tired and frustrated of all the mass produced content in the self-help space written by hired writers who have little to do with the field of self-help and psychology. Hopefully, you’ll find genuine value whenever you read any of the articles on this blog. That is my ultimate goal and purpose for this site. 

Whenever I get to hear from one of my readers about how a guide or an article had a positive impact on their life, it fills me with a level of gratitude and fulfillment that is hard to describe in words.

Sometimes it would take me weeks or even a couple of months to write an in-depth guide as I gather my experiences and reflections, as well as studying the topic in-depth and gain wisdom from other experts in the field. It’s all worth it as long as it benefits someone, somewhere.

Other than writing, I am an artist by nature. Though the busyness of life have gotten in the way of tapping into my artistic pursuits, you’ll find some glimpses of my artistic side in my illustrative/animated videos on YouTube.

I love to reflect and observe life and human behavior. It is where I spend a signifiant chunk of my time. When I’m not reflecting and writing, you’ll find me reading, sketching, making digital paintings, working out, learning some new skill, working on some new project that nobody knows about, or just watching some lame reaction videos on YouTube.

Fun Fact: I often keep my phone off much of the time. I don’t like using social media, unless it’s for work purposes (if any), and a simple seasoned chicken steak with plain white rice is one of my favorite comfort foods that I love to eat most of the days.

My primary motivation for my work lies in the time when I was soul-searching and I couldn’t find anyone who would guide or mentor me. Hence it took me a long time figure things out, with hundreds upon hundreds of trials and errors over the years. 

My journey began around 2010 when a day came that I started to ask bigger questions of life. For several years I was consumed by this “soul-searching” journey. 

This lead me to exploring unconventional paths in life and leaving behind conventional and traditional routes as I decided to carve my own way ahead.

I was forced to take charge of myself and resort to lots of self-education which turned out to be a better choice in the long run for me. Even though initially I faced a lot of resistance and adversities but I had faith in God. I chose to be true to my inner calling even though apparently I lost everything. Faith was what kept me going.

This was the process of not only my intellectual but spiritual reformation as well. In fact, spirituality was where it all started from. I started to realize the real value and deeper essence of life in comparison to the superficial bling of the world.

I sought many people for answers to life but was never fully satisfied, until after several years of endless seeking I realized that the answer lies within and with God. I started to study Qur’an and that became a beacon of light for me. Everything started to settle down and become very clear. All questions were answered. That is the reason my content is sprinkled with references from The Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

As time went on, I grew more and more interest in human psychology and mind sciences. I was always curious about the limitless possibilities God has put in the human mind. I got into academic Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Life Coaching.

As for OnlineLifeGuide.com, I intend to make it beneficial for anyone who has a desire to grow and become a better version of themselves, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. 

Whoever and wherever you are, I hope you’ll find value in it. Just have a curious mind and an open heart. 

I deeply believe in preaching with my life, not just with my lips. Most of the things I talk about come from my own real experiences, challenges, and struggles, and from the experiences I had helping my clients and other people overcome life’s challenges and become a better version of themselves.

Like a lot of people, I’ve had my share of struggles, adversities, and challenges which have enabled me to relate and connect with other people on a deeper level and provide appropriate solutions. 

All praise be to God. I ask Him to take His work from me. Any benefit that someone receives through me is originally from Allah, alone. I ask Him to keep increasing any good that He has put in my work, minimize my errors, flaws and mistakes, and allow me to serve Him and my beloved fellow humans till my last breath.

 I wish and intend the best for you, and I hope I become a source for adding good value and quality to your life in some way, shape or form. God Bless.

About OLG

The vision and purpose behind OnlineLifeGuide.com is to provide detailed and in-depth guides that will help you craft a life of deep fulfillment.

The goal is to equip you with practical knowledge, wisdom and tools to take yourself and your life to the next level. 

A lot of conscious effort is put forth to provide premium value, knowledge and wisdom which is very rarely touched upon over the internet. Hope this effort adds on to the quality of your life in some form.

However, this is not the place for those who seek “quick-fixes” in life. If you are among those people who are serious about their growth and purpose, and are open-to-learn students-of-life, this is absolutely the right place for you.


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